What inspired you to join our organisation? Can you share a little about your journey that led you here?
After being away from NZ for 15 years, we made the decision to come back from Asia. I knew I wanted to do social impact work, I want to make a difference in people’s lives, my passion for lifelong learning and adult education was a direction I wanted to follow. Having had the Founder/CEO experience myself, I could see straight away as to how I could support Cam and Take2. I’ve loved every minute so far.
Share a moment that has been memorable for you so far.
Our Demo Day last year left a lasting impression – how hard the students worked, how they collaborated, problem solved – such a proud moment, and more special because we had whanau there. I have loved getting to know the learners, who they are as people, and being a small part of their transformational journey.
What impact do you hope to make at Take2?
My impact….good question. I hope to create programs, systems, a culture that creates an even stronger foundation for Take2, support the team however needed and elevate our work to the next level.
Besides work, what passions or hobbies do you pursue?
Apart from kids wrangling my 3 boys, I’m also currently finishing off my Master’s in Education Leadership at Harvard – I’ve developed a passion for lifelong learning and adult lives in transition. I love to read, to have in-depth conversations with people, and watch movies. I am really hoping to learn some of the tech skills that I see our students learning – it’s fascinating!

Favorite quote/mantra, favorite book and/or movie.
Favorite books have to be “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and ‘The New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle, and also Dogman and the Treehouse Series (I love the irrelevance of children’s books) – it always provides endless laughs.
What are you most looking forward to for Take2 in 2024?
Everything! I look forward to the big (starting up our NSW classroom, having more corporate partnerships and launching our Self Transformation Program) and the small (being with the students when I can, changing minds through one conversation at a time). I look forward to the daily work of making a difference.
Your spirit animal?
I don’t know – my husband thinks it’s a meerkat.
What are you inspired by in life?
The beauty and wonder of nature, art and the creative life and everything that is ‘invisible’.