Read about Take2 graduates in a feature article in The Spinoff

Hire Our Graduates

We make it easy to hire non-traditional talent and help to diversify your workforce. Our curriculum has been designed and developed in partnership with industry experts, ensuring junior talent is best placed to hit the ground running.

How Our Graduates Compare

Bachelors Degree
Computer Science
Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
Computer Science
Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills

What Our Graduates Offer



Agile Practices

Problem-Solving Mindset

Self-Management & Communication Skills

Benefits Of Hiring A Justice-impacted Individual

Diversify your workforce

Research shows a diverse workforce increases productivity. Take2 graduates bring much needed cultural and life experience diversity to the tech industry.

Hire loyal staff

Research shows that employees with a criminal record remain at a company longer. In one of the most competitive industries for talent, you want to hire and invest in people that will stay the journey with your company.

Great work ethic

Research shows people with a criminal record are promoted faster than those without.

Reinvest in your community

Any company can have a social impact through a fair-chance hiring policy. Create thriving whānau’s through launching the career of a Take2 graduate. They have served their time. Don’t serve them a second sentence by excluding them from the workforce.

Employment Partners

A selection of leading companies that trust us.

Will you join them?

There’s a reason we call you “employment partners”. We’ll work closely with you right from the outset to ensure both you and the graduate have a successful experience.

Once we agree to the partnership, you’ll receive a Take2 Apprenticeship Guide that takes you through key stages of the first six months of the employment. It outlines actions to take and provides valuable insights on how your new employee will be feeling and their needs. It also explains how Take2 fits into the equation and can support along the way.

The value you gain from hiring one of our graduates is just as
important as what they gain from working with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

We put our graduates through a rigorous testing process to ensure they are suitable to enter a workplace and undertake employment.

The programme is open to all participants who meet the appropriate prison security clearances, except those individuals who have been convicted of cybercrimes or sex offences.

Participants are supported throughout their reintegration process with counselling, mentors, regular check-ins with Take2 staff and technical resources such as a phone and laptop.
An Apprenticeship Guide from Take2 outlines expectations and actions for employers and Take2 to create a best practice onboarding process. The guide was co-designed with Take2 students, industry, cultural experts and successful international programs.
There is no stereotypical profile for what makes a great coder. We are targeting individuals who show an aptitude and proven attitude through their conduct while in prison to turn their life around. Our experience has shown that they can absolutely learn to code!
The international programmes that Take2 is modelled on, have a 0% rate of reoffending. Individuals understand that this is their opportunity to turn the page, to live a new life that inspires their whānau and community.

If we want people to reintegrate into society, then we need to allow them the opportunity to do so. We need to move away from this notion of “once a criminal, always a criminal”. Common-sense will be applied to where Take2 graduates will be referred to work i.e. those who have been convicted of fraud will not be referred to a bank.

For companies and clients that remain concerned about this issue, there are different software development positions where an employee will not have or need access to software that has the personal details of customers.

If you value equity, equal opportunities, safer communities, a productive economy and responsible spending of taxpayer’s money, then the Take2 programme aligns with your values. Over 23,000 children have a parent in prison and they are 7 times more likely to end up in prison. You have the opportunity to not only change the trajectory of one life, but a whole whānau’s.


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