Read about Take2 graduates in a feature article in The Spinoff


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Prisoners-turned-programmers create platform to help whānau send clothes inside

When Livi Taufao​ was in prison it took four months for his family to get a pair of new sneakers to him. Now Taufao has teamed up with a team of Datacom tech gurus and other former prisoners to create Ngā Mihi, a platform where family members and community donors can buy pre-approved items for prisoners..

Prisoners to programmers: How Take2’s graduates are faring in the tech sector

The great escape: How Spark and Datacom are giving ex-prisoners a new start

Why NZ CIOs are giving ex-prisoners a second chance

Coding in prisons offering new prospects for inmates

Cracking the code on prisoners re-entering the workforce

Introducing Your 2022 Finalists

The Prisoners Learning The World’s Most Valuable Skill

Prisons, Partners Tapped As Datacom Stretches To Hire Another 250

Māori in Tech


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